
The Biological Background of Man
Man and ape descend from
the same ancestors

They can both be classified as
tropical diurnal animals

Man easily adjusts to hot climates
But in the cold he needs facilities
such as clothes to survive

...a distinctive mark of life
is the power of motion...

...normal oxy gen saturation rate
of hemoglobin is 97%...

...the lowest organisms... can
reproduce without fission...

...70- 85% of the weight of
a newborn child is w ater...

...resuscitation aims to...
causes of death vary greatly...

...cell which often stays
inactive throughout its life cycle...

...muscles start at the radius...
40- 60% of a woman's weight...

...a human being also has
a distinct life expectancy...

Listen, here comes a sure bet
The heart is a mysterious organ
Seemingly lacking a will,
yet able to react to-

somatic and psychological changes
rapidly, unexpectedly...
