Dark Blue World

-Good evening.

Mr. Pechar, let me explain...
They're repeating it over and over.
At six a.m. on March fifteenth
the Armed Forces of the German Reich
will begin occupying our country,
Any resistance will be met
with brutal retaliation,
I'm sorry.
Cry all you want. who wouldn't?
All units will be disarmed,
No aircraft, military or civilian,
are to leave their bases,
Turn it off!
Cut the engine!
I'm taking it to Poland.
we can't let them have it!

Pilot Officer,
switch off your engine now!

Didn't you hear the order?
Yes, but I didn't like it.
Nobody's asked your opinion.
Get out!

why did you think the others
aren't taking off?

Because it's suicide
in this weather!
You'll crash into the first hill!
I know.
