Domestic Disturbance

I told Mom it was an

Yeah, well, tell me it
was an accident

I just got mad, okay?
Why, because he had a
problem with the way

you threw a ball ?
No, he threw it hard and
he tried to hurt me

Come on, Danny, was it
any harder than a line

drive coming at you?
Maybe he was just trying
to prepare you for a real game

or something
Why do you have to work
for him, anyway?

Tell him you don't want
his money,

that you don't
need anything from him

I can't do that
Why not?
Because the truth is,

I love making these
wooden boats,

but people
don't want them anymore

When your
grandpa made them,

they'd line up
from here to Maine

Just to have one
But they want
plastic now

It's cheaper, they can
afford it

You understand ?
I was in the donut shop
this morning

You know
who I saw?

You know that girl Katie
that you like,

what's her
last name?

Lewis? she was there
with a girlfriend

She was talking about
you, she said, he's nice

or something like that
Since she got her braces
off, she's a total babe

I know, and then she
said that she thought

your dad was a fox
Here you go, Frank
Have a nice day

You too
How's it going ?
Frank Morrison, I met
you at Rick's wedding

Jesus, of course !
Ray, right !
You want to sit down ?
Sorry Frank, yeah
I'm getting really bad
with faces

It must be early
Alzheimer's or something

It's been a while since
the wedding

I wouldn't worry about it
