Domestic Disturbance

Do you want me to
ignore the fact that my son is

living with a killer ?
is that what you want?

This fantasy of yours,
it sure does give you a
good excuse, doesn't it?

For what? Excuse for what?
An excuse to hold on to
your old life

I know Danny's your son,
And I would never ask
you to choose between us

But I won't hang around
while you take Susan on

in some insane
custody battle

Diane, I have never
failed Danny, ever

And I can't fail him now
not when it counts

I'm sorry
I'm sorry too, Frank
But I can't do this
Rick, sweetheart will you
please hurry up?

I don't
want to be late for this

Calm down will you?
Moms always win these
things, right?

No, it's never a sure
thing, Rick

You all right?
I still can't believe
this is happening

You know, Susan
ever since Frank hit us
with this custody thing,

there's something I'd like
to talk to you about

About what?
Well, I feel like I've done
Everything I can but
stand on my head with

Danny's concern
And he won't give me a
break. There's no way-

I know and I'm sorry
sweet pea

There's nothing for you
to be sorry about

It's been hard on

But maybe if Danny went
off to live with Frank

for a little while
That wouldn't be the
worse thing in the world

for everybody
I'm just trying to think
about what would be

best for everyone, dear
things get really tense
when Danny's around

and the doctor said if
you get stressed out,

you could lose the baby
I don't give a damn
what the doctor said,

Danny's my son
It's bad enough he hardly
talks to me anymore

If he goes to live with Frank
I'd be lucky if I ever
see him again

we talked about this

I'm sorry
Danny's not going to go

I promise
you that, okay?
