Donnie Darko

ln my mind's eye
One little boy...
one little man

Funny how...
"There would be headlines
in the papers.

Even the grown-up gangs
who ran the betting

at the all-in wrestling
and the barrow-boys
would hear with respect

of how Old Misery's house
had been destroyed.

It was as though
this plan had been

with him all his life,
pondered through the seasons,

now in his 1 5th year

with the pain of puberty."
What is Graham Greene
trying to communicate

with this passage?
Why did the children
break into Old Misery's house?

- Joanie?
- They wanted to rob him.

Joanie, if you had actually
read the short story,

which, at a whopping 13 pages
would have kept you up all night,

- you would know that the children...
- You suck.

...find a great deal
of money in the mattress,

but they burn it.
Donnie Darko,
perhaps with your recent brush
with mass destruction,

you can give us
your opinion.

They say it right
when they flood the house

and they tear it
to shreds,

that destruction
is a form of creation.

So the fact that they
burn the money is ironic.

Theyjust want to see what happens
when they tear the world apart.

They want to change things.
May we help you?
Yeah, I just registered
and they put me
in the wrong English class.

You look like
you belong here.

Where do I sit?
Sit next to the boy
you think is the cutest.

- Quiet!
Let her choose.
