Donnie Darko

that human life
is absolutely too important,
too valuable,
and too precious
to be controlled by fear.

Hello, my name
is Jim Cunningham.

And welcome
to "Controlling Fear."

Wake up, Donnie.
"And the prince was led
into a world

of strange
and beautiful magic."

Hey, you guys,
guess what?!

I can't
believe this!

My mom said the school
is closed today

- because it's flooded.
- No way.

- Yeah.
- Holy shit!

That's the best news
I've ever heard!

My God, is this
ever going to stop?

yes it will.

But right now I got
12 classrooms full of water,

all coming from
a busted water main.

- What else?
- What else?!

Principal Cole,
I'll show you what else.

That's unbelievable.
That's solid bronze,
isn't it?

- Yep.
- How did this happen?

Beth's mom said
the boys' locker room

was flooded and they found
feces everywhere.
