Down to Earth

Triple bypass surgery
gonna charge somebody $100,000...

and then got the nerve to say,
"Take it easy."

Shit, I gotta go get a job right now
drivin' another cab or somethin'...

just to pay off
the damn doctor !

From now on,
we have to be different.

Let's see how it feels to not be
the evil corporation anymore.

Let's try takin' in people bleedin'
with bullet wounds to the head.

Let's just try it for a change.
I mean, we tried the other way.
We made a lot of money.

We got paid. We got laid.
And so what if we lose
a few million dollars ?

Now, a lot of y'all
Look pretty pissed off.

Look like y'all
want to get froggy.

- Well, come on !
What you gonna do ? Uh-uh.
You see this foot ?
You see this foot ?

It's from a little town called "Rich
Man's Ass," and it's gettin' homesick.

You guys have been great.
You've been a lovely audience.

I want to thank y'all
for showin' up.

Drive home safely.
Tip your waitresses.

- I gots to go. Take care.
- Thanks a lot. Thank you.
- Mr. Wellington ?

Pardon me. Nice shirt.
Hey, Chuck.
Look, l-l-l feel like
I haven't been tending to your needs,

but I wanna
make it up to you.

I know your biggest fantasy has
always been a menage a trois.

And you've always had a thing
For Blanche from the club.

Hi, Chuck.
How'd you like to come over here
and taste me ?

Oh, sir, the, uh,
Handcuff lady's here.

Sontee ?
Mr. Wellington.
Descending from second floor.
You know what ?
Just call me Lance.

I thought your name was Charles.
