Edges of the Lord

Dead end.
Place to keep me from causing
the board any more trouble.

Come on.
-You were on the board?.
-When your father ran things.

-You knew my father?.
-Oh, yeah.

Helped him build his train.
Here we are.
Kevlar utility harness.
Gas-powered, magnetic grapple gun.
The 350-pound test monofilament.
Wonderful project, your dad's train.
Routed it right into Wayne T ower,
along with the water and power utilities.

Kind of made Wayne T ower
the unofficial center of Gotham City.

Of course, Earle let it go to rot.
Here we are.

Nomex survival suit
for advanced infantry.

Kevlar biweave, reinforced joints.
-T ear-resistant?.
-This sucker will stop a knife.

-Anything but a straight shot.

-Why didn't they put it into production?.
-Bean counters didn't think...

...a soldier's life was worth 300 grand.
So, what's your interest in it,
Mr. Wayne?.

I want to borrow it.
For spelunking.
Yeah, you know, cave diving?.
You expecting to run into
much gunfire in these caves?.

Look, I'd rather Mr. Earle
didn't know about me borrowing--

Mr. Wayne...
...the way I see it...
...all this stuff is yours anyway.
Okay. Give it a try.
At least you'll have company.
This must be the lowest foundation
of the southeast wing.
