El Hijo de la novia

-l'm serious.
-She tells waiters l'm an asshole.

lt's not her,
it's that illness.

She was always like that.
But it used to be more intimate.

She wanted you to be a lawyer.
What's so strange about that?

lt's a mother thing.
''My son, the lawyer.''

That's old fashioned.
What if she lived today?

l'm better off
than most lawyers.

She lives today.
We could bring Victoria
some day.

You know kids.
l'll tell her.

Sandra, what's up?

Calm down!
l went to see my mom.

l'm two blocks away.
-l swear l'm there. l had an emergency.
-l don't work?

There's more to life
than your shitty restaurant.

-How's Victoria?
-Delighted with her father.

Don't talk like that
in front of her!

-How, then?
-You know how.

Now you're offended! You should
apologize, you ruined my day.

You ruined my life.
You still owe me.

No, honey,
you ruined your own life.

Victoria, come here!
-Give me a kiss.

What's wrong?
Want to stay?

-Victoria, come on!
-Now you wait!

-Dad's got my backpack.
-She wants to stay.

lt's Thursday,
she comes with me.

-lt's Thursday.
-l know that. Do you want to go?

-lt doesn't matter.
-lt's dad's day.

Okay, go.
Have fun.
Are you all right?
