
You understand?
While I'm gone to piss, think about it haed!
And you, bitch!
T oday's your last day of your life
Where is Yongsik?
I've got something to tell you, sir
What is it?
I'd do better as a waiter than a bouncer
Kangjae, you bastard! That's exactly you
You know nothing but to talk
When I tell you something, do as you're told
What an idiot...
What a parasite
Who put that idiot in?
They should get rid of him
Because of that bastard
Just eat your noodles
If Cha Bum-gun was young again,
he would never play like that!

You are a real noodles!
Cha is a coach, not a player

You fool! You don't know a thing
When Cha was young, he scored three goals
in the last 5 minutes

Oh, yeah? Then do you know Bae Dong-sung
in short tracks?

Then, do you know Pro wrestler Kim l1 ?
