Fausto 5.0

between clean
and opaque hospital walls.

Death exists.
It forms part of life.
It may be the non-life.

Santos Vella.
Although it's been repressed,

from the social awareness
it had belonged to...

the greatest deceit
for the dying...

Have we met before?
I don't think so.
It is not charity
for those who are to die...

Are you sure?
I think we have.

At a hospital, maybe?
I doubt it.
I visit my patients at home.

Then at some brothel.
...a causal illness
of progressive evolution...

with a prognosis
of one month to live...

a treatment of proved

and a loss of hope for recovery.
The clinical reports...
indicate the degree of damage...
or organic insufficiency,
and allow establishing deadlines.

Terminal processes.
Excuse me.
What did you say your name is?

I didn't say.
Doctor Fierro.

Which implies
an old acquaintance...

who I'd rather not see...
- Doctor Fierro.
- Yes.

- Cardiologist?
- No, dermatologist.

What a coincidence!
You too?
No. I've got some spots.
What do you think?
It's the first time.
...of a pilgrimage that begins...
with the birth of said protocol.
These images belong to research...
work and surgical revitalization
of tissues...
