Freddy Got Fingered

Betty, na prvome smo sudaru. Prvo
ide romantika, šetnja, možda.

- Ne mogu šetati.
- Mogu te izvesti na kotrljanje.

Radije æu ostati ovde i sisati.
Pa to je,
rekao bih... OK.

Doði ovamo,

Ovo je moja pupèana vrpca.
Nisi to nikada odstranio?
Prilijepljena je.
Samo za zabavu.

Prilijepio sam je zabave radi.
Mogu raditi oko nje.

Èekaj... èekaj.
.. èekaj...

- Hajde.
- Èekaj. Èekaj. Èekaj. Èekaj. Èekaj.

- What the fuck is going on?
- I'm underwater. Look, I found a treasure.

- A treasure? That's soap on a rope.
- Sh. I'm pretending it's a treasure.

Get out of my goddamn scuba gear,
you imbecile.

Oh, no, the treasure!
It went into that underwater cave.

Get out of that toilet!
Get out of that toilet!
Father, you saved me
from the giant barracuda.

But, look, I salvaged the treasure.
We can live like kings.

- We can live like kings!
- Forget that fucking soap.

Clean up this mess and get your ass
out that door looking for a job, you retard.

He's driving me insane.
No. No, you're driving him insane.
You're older than me
and you still live at home.

I have a job, you know. I pay my own way.
- You work in a bank. Should I be dazzled?
- Well, at least I don't live at home.

No, you live in a tiny shithole
and you come here to eat for free.
