From Hell

What are we gonna do?
We can't stay clear
of the Nichols boys forever.

They say that they held
poor Martha down...

...and watched her bleed
until she passed out.

Then they cut her throat.
McQueen is mad.
He enjoys hurting women.

POLLY: It's insane that they want £4.
How are we gonna get £4?

Not with my old cunny.
I'd be lucky to get four pence.

BARTENDER: Behave yourselves
or bugger off.

LIZ: You can bugger off.
KATE: We work, girls.
We work the streets harder than ever.

POLLY: All right.
We can do it here, but hurry up.

POLLY: The bobbies are tracking us.
MAN: Right.

Gotta get the old man hard first.
POLLY: Give it here. I'll put it in meself.
-Is that in?
-Of course it is. Come on.

It's not.
You got it stuck between your legs.

POLLY: No, I haven't. Come on.
MAN: I knows it when I feels it.
That's mine, Polly.
That's my money.
I could pop your eye out.
The customers wouldn't mind.
They don't mind if a whore can see.
OFFICER: What's that you got?
McQUEEN: What've I got?

What have I got here, Constable?
Only a little thing.

Only a little thing to you,
but a great thing to me.

Or I'll bash that smart mouth.

You're a dead woman.
LIZ: Lovey,
he won't bother you again tonight.

ANNIE: That's right. Look.
One for the Nichols, and one for me.
