Good Advice

Even if you are at risk with every word to break off itself/themselves a nail:
Your press time exactly now is. lst good. Lord!
Why does everyone want something of me constantly?
Because you write the adviser column? Do I have also problems, O.K., unfortunately?
Yes. Already clear. Be able to tell
by the sound this letter of itself.

devotions Cindy, I would like again on the
university, but my husband is on the other hand.

What should I do now? "I my, however, the woman must be stupid.
What did you recommend to her/it/them?
Quite simply!

To what do you want again on the university? However, you/they have had a man long ago.
If you want to increase Your self-esteem, they do something beneficent.
combs you homeless in or grants
you to itself a new hairdo.

The woman has give sorrow and you of beauty tips for her/it/them? Here, something is not correct.
is correct, I still have given none them. This is
a respectable newspaper

and no lubricate leaf.
Page! I wants to be honestly too them,

because we are not friendly.
My grandma's varicose veins achieve

buys nobody.
Then, I dissolve Youren contract with a settlement. Yes, gladly!
But how do you pay this? However, you/they are completely broke. Therefore, you become me
simply so must have continued. Therefore
unchanged, with style, femininity,

and before all things charm.
Now doesn't run so fast, however.
However, you do also small steps.

It makes me sharp if you sing. Really? Where want you to go to shop?
Are you blind? Ahem?

She/it is exactly like my therapist.
She/it turns for a very long time it until one thinks,

I would have a problem.
Then resigns, however.

I can simply not resign, for a very long time I no man, who looks after me,

, Mrs. Sherman, we are there.
This of Sherman!

Hey! Ah, I like this belt. A simple Gucci-Fake.
You would not have expected this from the wife of a doctor? real Guccis mixes

and forgeries.
Hi, how does it go? Property.
