Good Advice

He/it was thrown out also with his/its wife.
Therefore, in order to come on the contract,...

What you don't want with a man, you know exactly. But what do you want?
somebody, that can concentrate. Thanks. Serious.
What each woman probably wishes herself,: Somebody, that is affectionate and

He/it cries if I slam one for him/it once. What do you want from a man?
I would like a man,
this not wrong is.

Now, this contract...
A 5 percent raise is fair. For a temporary worker already.
50 percent of the profit increase
and the column comes on side 4.

Well, you prepared.
Say once... What do you put for expectations at a woman then?
Cindy for example?
Well yes, is too much 50 percent maybe.
You/they have seemingly also expectations. A place for the title page
and 10 percent of the profit increase.
With what she/it reached this,
that you fight for her/it/them so?

Well yes, Cindy changed my life. And she/it knows it not once.
This has her/it/them?
Therefore, the conditions sound fair.
My lawyer will put on the contract. It was that? Take care of the businesses

and away? seems so cheaply I to me. I must afterall to an idea.
I brings you to the taxi or better still, I accompany you there.
it doesn't believe I, that this would please them, it is very progressive.
Think, I come with the elitist one, Hyperschickimicki-Künstler-ln-Szene,
not clear? I can also be just as progressively as each other.
Well beautiful. If we go.
