Gosford Park

Does she take her pudding to
Mrs. Wilson's room? Our cook does that.

Fat chance.
They hate each other.

- Can I ask a question?
- Certainly, Mr. Weissman.

How can we help you?
I just wondered, how many people here
had parents in service?

And was that why
they chose to go into it?

What an interesting question,
and one to which, I'm afraid,
I cannot provide the answer.

All of you whose parents
were in service, raise your hand.

- My father was.
- Both-- nanny and groom.

- Not you, Dorothy?
- My father was a farmer, Mr.Jennings.

A tenant of Lord Carton's.
- Mr. Meredith?
- Factory hands, both of them.

- And if you ask me,
they were better off.

What aboutyou,
Mr. Stockbridge?

What's the matter? Don't you know?
Yeah, I know
what they did.

But it didn't have any effect
on me or my choice of work.

- And why's that?
- Because I grew up in an orphanage.

Thank you, Mr. Weissman,
forgiving us all
a little something to think about.

Oh, Her Ladyship.
Oh, I'm so sorry to disturb you.
Please, do sit down
and finish your supper.

Mrs. Wilson, a major crisis has a risen.
I have just found out...

that Mr. Weissman won't eat meat,
and I don'tknow what to do.

I can't tell Mrs. Croft.
I simply don't dare.

Everything's under control,
Your Ladyship.

Mr. Weissman's valet informed us
as soon as he arrived,

so we've prepared
a special version of the soup.

He can eat the fish
and the hors d'oeuvres,

and we'll have a Welsh rarebit
for the game course.

I don't know what we're going
to do about the entree,
but we'll think of something.

Thank you, Mrs. Wilson.
Ten steps ahead as usual.

Which one of you
is Mr. Weissman's valet?
