Gosford Park

- Well, I want to know--
- Did you ask her?

- No, I didn't.
- I think, on reflection,
that's a good thing.

According to
the servants hall gossip,

she won't get any of her estate
till her mother dies.

- Honestly, Jeremy--
- If that's the case,
it's too long to wait.

You can do better.
H-Have you
checked your room?

You mustn't
leave anything behind.

I'm sure Mummy's
going to sell the house.

Isobel. Isobel!

Sidney Kent's
taking over the studio.

He loves Charlie Chan
and he hates Winfield Sheehan.

- Sir.
- No more rewrites,
and I can cast who ever I like.

Well, that was painless,
wasn't it?

No, it wasn't.
- Hmm.
- Not for me, anyway.

Careful, careful.
Watch yourself.

Do they know?
- No.
- Don't you think they might notice?

I don't care.
Hey, you there.
Where you going?

To the station.
Hey, you want a ride
to London?

Sure. Why not?
- Hop in.
- Thank you.

There you go.
Well, good luck.
Don't do anything
I wouldn't do.

At least I know that gives me
room for maneuver.

No, keep your hands
to yourself.

You Brits really don't have
a sense of humor, do you?

We do if something's funny, sir.
- Mr. Jennings, can--
- Be quick about it.

it's getting so expensive,

by the time one does Jennings
and leave something for the housemaids,

one might as well
have taken a suite at the Ritz.

Tell me, what happened
to William's little maid?

I never saw her again
after that dinner.
