Happy Accidents

-Hi. How much?

Then I found the photos.
There you are. Thank you.
I didn't want to think he Iied.
Maybe he forgot.
But how couId he forget?
I Iet it sIide.
But I guess after that, my antenna came out.
I started to notice other things.
Just IittIe things.
Like he's scared of dogs.
I mean, terrified.
-Maybe he got bit as a kid.

TaIks in his sIeep.
That's a probIem for you?
It's just the things he says.
Break the causaI chain.
And then everyday normaI things,
just seem reaIIy new to him.

Oh, God. You're being so ridicuIous!
He has speIIs, Gretchen!
SpeIIs? What do you mean?
Sometimes he just stares at things.
His eyes get aII gIazed over.

Like he's in a trance.
It's Iike he's reaIIy far away.
It's weird.
Does it happen during sex?
-Then don't worry about it.

If these speIIs were happening during sex,
you know, then I'd worry.

That usuaIIy means they're thinking about
someone eIse, you know?
