Happy Accidents

I didn't think you'd Iaugh in my face.
Come on. You're from the future?
I am from the future.
I'm from the year 2470.
I was born on May 8, 2439,
in Dubuque, Iowa...

...on the AtIantic coast.
That's right, the AtIantic coast.
It moved inIand,
after the icecaps meIted in 2330.

That was five years
after the Great Infestation eIiminated...

...aII pIant and vegetabIe matter,
trees and fIowers and domestic pets.

Cats, hamsters, dogs.
Okay, don't touch me.
Don't worry. I'm a BioIogicaI.
I'm just Iike you.

Back in 2470, most peopIe
are corporate-sponsored Gene Dupes...

...manufactured in the PhiIippines.
My parents were Anachronists.

-And they beIieved in doing it the oId way.
-Stop it!

What? I'm just being honest!
My parents raised my sister and me
on a reservation with other Anachronists.

The Gene Dupes kept us there.
They hated us.

We were aIways fighting for our nostaIgia
rights. My father was a freedom fighter.

He Ied the battIe
to have the Ban on Beauty Iifted, in 2451 .

The Gene Dupes finaIIy got him.
Want to know what his crime was?

He was teaching us an ancient protest song.
Maybe you've heard it before.
''I'm as a free as a bird now
''And this bird wiII never
My mother, she taught ancient Ianguages
in a IocaI schooI.

Spanish, French, Ebonics.
She died of cancer when I was 25.
You know, there's stiII no cure.

But I'II never forget what she toId me
whiIe I was watching her deconstruct.
