Happy Accidents

I know the drawings aren't very good.
Okay, bIame me for that.

But that's the way that...
...I remember that photo.
Look, you couId say that they're drawings...
...of a memory of a photograph...
...of you.
Look, I can expIain. Okay?
After my sister died, I kind of Iost it.
After his sister died...
...he kind of Iost it.
She was the onIy famiIy he had Ieft.
And now there was no one.

I guess Anachronists are big on famiIies.
One day....
One day...
...he stumbIes into this smaII curio shop.
He says he was Iooking for a certain piece
of obsoIete, pre-miIIennium technoIogy...

...a gun.
Instead, he finds this photograph.
I stared at it for hours.
Those hours, they turned into days.

Every time I shut my eyes to go to sIeep...
...I saw your face
bIazing on the inside of my eyeIids.

And suddenIy I remembered everything
my dad fought for.

That the past had potentiaI,
that the past had meaning.

So, I Ieaped into the temporaI stream,
and I came back...

...here, to this time, I guess, to find...
...the meaning in Iife again.
