Happy Accidents

But protocoI prohibits us
from teIIing anybody any of this.

You just toId me.
Haven't you ever tied a tie before?
Dressing rituaIs went out with the advent of
disposabIe cIothes, back in the earIy 2200s.

Oh, God.
Just get me through this one night.

You know, Sam,
Ruby teIIs me that you work at a hospice.

Did you study medicine?
No. I drive the van, LiIIian.
-I see.
-So where you from, son?

He's from Iowa, Dad.
That's good country out there.
What part?
The AtIantic coast.
-He means the shoreIine.

-The Mississippi--


-Did you go to coIIege out there in Iowa?
-Didn't have to go to coIIege.

They pIanted everything I needed to know
right here when I was 3.

Sam is a prodigy.
He speaks five Ianguages fIuentIy.
-Oh, my God.

Not bad.
Is that Homeric or PIatonic Greek?
ActuaIIy, it's PIatonic.
Amazing. Fantastic.
You must have big ambitions.

PIease teII us,
what brings you to New York?
