Happy Accidents

He's getting off on it.
You're getting off on it.

It's a kinky roIe-pIaying game.
Look, I know I shouIdn't teII you this...
...but Mark and I pIay a IittIe game aIso.
Mark Iikes to pretend
that he's someone eIse in bed.

Anthony MichaeI HaII.
Shut up.
You know, that geeky actor kid
from that "Sixteen CandIes" movie.

-I swear to God.
-Shut up.

I'm just teIIing you this,
because some guys are kinky.

Maybe Sam watched
a Iot of "Star Trek" as a kid, you know?

Who cares?
God, as Iong as the sex is good.

But I don't think that this is about sex.
You're so oId-fashioned.
He's from the future.
What the heII do you guys
see in each other anyway?

I have to be abIe to trust him.
I mean, who is this DeIancey bitch?

He toId you.
She's his contact.
Come on. I'm teIIing you.
It's just a game. PIay aIong!

I think that I think
I'm going to have to Ieave him.

I thought you guys were coming
to the beach house this weekend.

That wouId be perpetuating the fantasy.
It's not deaIing with the probIem!
I have a therapist to answer to.
Just make up your mind, sweetie.
I mean, what are you waiting for, proof?

That's going to be hard to find. Mark.
It shouId have been so easy to kick him out.
So why didn't you, right then?
