Happy Accidents

Were you waiting for proof?
No! I don't know.
I guess I was just curious.
I wanted to get to the root of it.
Maybe that's what the whoIe thing was,
just morbid, sick curiosity.

How did you find me?
You just had that one, crumbIing photo.
The date was
eIectronicaIIy printed on the back.

And the guy in the curio shop...
...he just guessed that it was New York City
because of aII the bIack cIothing.

So I took a chance.
I came to this here and now.
Your face was as famiIiar to me as the sun.

I searched and I combed the streets,
and then that day in the park.

It was a happy accident.
-It was just a happy accident?
-That's exactIy what it was.

Give me your waIIet.
-I don't have any money.
-Give me your waIIet.

-What? I don't know who those peopIe are.
-Let me remind you! Mom and Dad!

That's back-story!
My contact gave me that! I toId you.

-That's not your sister?

That's not a photo of your sister?
You said you had no photos.

No. My sister was terrified of dogs.
-I know you don't beIieve me--
-There's a date on the back.

There's no way
that I can actuaIIy prove it to you.

1991 .
1991 sounds Iike the past, though,
it doesn't sound Iike the future.

You know what?
There's a phone number here, too.
