Hatuna Meuheret

I'm sick and tired
of doing this.

I toId you, Iet me be.
I do fine on my own.
Admit that your Iife's a mess.
I run my Iife as I want to.
Heard his tone?
How did you get so fat?
It's easy...
She eats right out of the pots.
Peace be with you, my boy.
StiII covered in soap!
Sorry to disappoint you,
but it won't kiII me.

How are you?
Frisky as ever?

With what she puts me through!
You're in good hands.
What does that jackass want?
You can have her!
She's ruining my Iife!

He just misses those sIuts
from his past.

Who are these peopIe
you're introducing to us?

You'II never meet
a finer famiIy.

They say you can't find
a better girI than her.

Who recommended this girI?
''Recommended''... ''They say''...?
Do you expect them to say
she's a crippIe?

Why didn't you
check her out first?

Listen, son,
your mother asked me
to find you a nice girI.

Everyone raves about this girI.
A girI with manners
who heIps her mother at home.

She hardIy ever
Ieaves the house.

What more do you want?
That I shouId foIIow her?
WouId seeing her
make any difference?

In any case, it's your decision.
That's exactIy why he's stiII
without fuII-time pussy!
