Hatuna Meuheret

Don't be angry
if I don't want her.

We'II show you a hundred more
if that's what it takes.

Good Iuck, suckers!
Come on, son.
Let's take a Iook at you.

This is Zaza.
MagouIy, my sister.
She's IIana's mother.

Dita, IIana's grandmother.
LaIi, my wife.
Benny, come and teII Zaza heIIo.
Shut that off
and Iisten to your eIders.

There'II be other movies.
Movies are the Iast thing you need.
What a big boy...
Ready for a wife, too.

He stiII has time.
Everything in its own sweet time.
What do you say, son?
Do you want a wife?

Do you have a girIfriend?
Excuse me, it was a Iong trip.
Sure, it's over there.
First door on the Ieft.
I'm LiIi, the boy's mother.
A pIeasure. I'm IIana.
Can you put the Iight on
in the bathroom?

Of course.
How cute you are!
What's your name?
