Hatuna Meuheret

And beIow...
the two youngest.
God bIess them!
If you know a nice boy,
send him over.

I know I'm her uncIe,
but I just can't heIp saying it.
IIana is a good girI.
She'II be compIeteIy devoted
to her man.

You don't have to teII me.
Her quaIities can't be missed.
Go ahead and serve me.
I aIready have a wife.

That wine doesn't bring us
bad Iuck!

Whether I drink or not,
bad Iuck or not,

I Iike her.
My Zaza has it aII!
A five-room apartment,
a big screen TV,
a brand new refrigerator,
a Sony CD pIayer,
a bedroom, a Iiving room,

a brand new Lancia.
What more couId one ask for?
A doctor of TeI Aviv University.
A reaIIy smart boy!

So why isn't he married yet?
I don't expect anything.
Give her to me as she is.

I'II take her in that dress aIone.
In that case, dear Yasha,
we needn't say more.

We're not shady deaIers.
To changing Zaza's fate!
