Hatuna Meuheret

If not for the spy under the bed,
I couId have toId you

a great bedtime story.
Noya, get out of here.
I don't want to.
And what do you think of me?
I'II teII you some other time.
Another time?
So what's the verdict?
You reaIIy want an answer now?
Isn't it for the best?
TeII us what you think.
There's no rush.
They have time.
We'II ask her what she thinks.
We'II ask around about the boy.
They don't have to ask about her.
Such a nice girI!
If onIy aII my grandsons

married one Iike her!
They can search aII of IsraeI,
and they won't find one Iike her.
I have nothing to ask.
He's right here.
If he agrees, so do I.

Speak up, if you Iike him!
You're making her nervous.
Don't rush things.
That couId ruin everything.
God forbid!

For the Iast time,
speak your mind.
