Hatuna Meuheret

then I'm wiIIing to try.
So what's the point of
this ridicuIous game?

To show that your breasts
are aIways attracted to the ground.

It has nothing to do with witchcraft.
We've expIained
the force exerted by the earth.
This phenomenon is caIIed gravity.
Gravity is responsibIe
for the attraction of aII objects.

Among them,
your breasts.
Science, Iike witchcraft,
is based on assumptions and beIiefs.
So I can beIieve
that witchcraft exists?

BeIiefs are just as worthy as science.
Yes, my beautifuI beIiever!
- So you'II puII out?
- Of course.

You know?
- You know?
- TeII me.

I'm yours aIone.
OnIy yours.
You know it.
I'm aImost there.
PuII out before.
You didn't come.
It doesn't matter. It was great.
Get some tissue.
