Hatuna Meuheret

Stop that shit!
I heard. I'm up.
What are you doing up so earIy?
I can onIy sIeep in my own bed.
You couIdn't sIeep because
you were phoning aII night.

It's dawn and he's not home.
Maybe something happened to him.
He's chasing some bitch.
He must be at her pIace.
He'II never marry
if he's not hungry for sex.

He promised that he wouId end it.
And you beIieved him?
He swore on his mother's Iife!
So what? Women have ruined
whoIe empires!

I don't know what to do
with him anymore.

Take drastic measures.
Like those used on you.

The change was radicaI.
You never set foot
in that Margot's house again.

But I was never caught naked.
You had to crawI under the bed.
Where are they?
