Hearts in Atlantis

That doesn't matter.
Don't you give up on this card.

Because books can be solid gold.
The great ones have gotten us
through the nights for centuries.

Give a writer an hour to hook you.
If he can't, find someone else.

Think you can try that?
If I don't have anything else to do.
Fair enough. Don't be afraid.
A Tale of Two Cities ends
with a beheading, great stuff.

Lost Horizon, magic and places
unknown. Can't beat that.

Where'd you live
before you came here, Mr--? Ted?

Some other place
that wasn't as nice as this.

You l¡ved here long?
Yes, sir. Since my dad died.
-When was that sad day?
-When I was 5.

Six years, huh?
You must know everything happening
on this street.

Sure do. Because nothing happens
on this street.

-Six years.
-That's just a blink.

Someday you'll agree.
You know, Ben Jonson called time
the ''old bald cheater.''

Ben Jonson called time
the ''old bald cheater.''

I like that.
I think I do too. Who's Ben Jonson?
He's an English writer,
dead these many years.

Brilliant, but foolish about money.
And given to flatulence.
What's flatulence?
Yeah, kids always think
farts are funny.
