Hearts in Atlantis

Find the queen of hearts and win.
-It already happened!
-Just once.

Easy peas-y Japanese-y.
Just find the queen of hearts.
-Put down your bet. I'll do it again.
-A quarter.

See, a jack.
We got the king and we got the queen.
Tell me where she lands.

-Fortune awaits you.
-That one there.


-I told you!
-Wait. Double and add a half-dollar.

That one there.
-That's enough. I have to stop.

-I can spot his moves.
-I better give up then.

-Just a quarter.
-One, okay.

Up and down, all around.
In and out, all about.

Now they're back...
...side by side.
Tell me, mister.
Where's she hide?

It's on the right.
No. It's the one on the left.
Right there.

-Okay, enough.
-There she is.

-Bobby was right.
-A prodigy, huh?

-Why don't you win it back?
-I could, but I can't play for money.

A boast-y boy.
Says he can win,
but afraid to back it up.

I could have my money back.
Come on. Beat him.

-I can't. Your mother won't be happy.
-Beat him, come on.

My mom's never happy.
It's all I got.

This is the move that stunned
the sheik of Araby. Behold.
