High Heels and Low Lifes

I'm just gonna...change.
Deep pan. Ca-ca-cabbage.
- What are you doing?
- This is takeaway. Want some?

- No, we're going out.
- Are we?

Ray, it's my birthday!
Shit, I forgot. Sorry, I remembered
earIier then forgot again.

Get your coat
and Iet's go now, then.

I'm not reaIIy hungry right now.
WeII, Iet's just have a drink.
Another night, baby,
I've reaIIy got to work on this.

- Pizza-pizza. I Iove you too.
- Oh, yeah. Right. Course. Sorry.

What's more important than your
urban noise symphony instaIIation?

Here we go.
This is my work here!
This is my Iife!
You don't understand this,
you don't get it.

What? No, I'II teII you what
I do get - you' d rather stay in here

on other peopIe's Iives

than actuaIIy having one with me!
- Right?
- Yeah.

And I wonder why that is.
This is terribIe. Yeah.
- Love you.
- I Iove you too.

Shut up!
You know nothing of despair!
My despair feII on me Iike a shroud,
and I struggIed to shake it off.

- But in vain.
- Thus, Green Eyes,

Iet me share your misfortune
and turn it into our heaven.

You bastard!
Now I reaIIy am...
aII aIone.
What a piece of crap!
I thought it went quite weII.
You were good.
