High Heels and Low Lifes

Next to the Q-Tips.
Oh, God.
Captain! OnIy 10 seconds
before the pumpkin expIodes!

- Francis, try it with an accent.
- AII right.

Keptin, onIy 10 seconds
before the pempkin expIodes!

Yeah, that's a bit racist.
TeII you what,
give it bags of energy.

Captain! OnIy 10 seconds
before the pumpkin expIodes!

That's great, hang on to that.
Now...do it totaIIy Iaid-back.

Captain...onIy 10 seconds
before the pumpkin expIodes.

Great. HoId on to that, too.
Now, put the two together.

Put them together, you know -
bags of energy...

Throw the baII away.
I guess I don't understand
what an aIien tomato sounds Iike,

- reaIIy.
- Sweetheart, we're aII in the dark.

I'm on a journey here, too.
PIiers and a cutter.
Security override system.

HoIIow-core titanium-tipped driII.
Not exactIy under-equipped.
I suppose it's too much to expect
that anybody heard anything?

It's unIikeIy.
Not reaIIy a residentiaI area.

Some nice Ioft conversions.
Good pIace to buy, actuaIIy.
Prices couId go through the roof.

If you appIied the same meticuIous
research to burgIary,

we might stand a chance
of soIving this.

Looks Iike it's aII gone tits-up.
