High Heels and Low Lifes

Pay up or you're fuckin' dead!
It sounds Iike
you've got Tourette's.

- How many ''fucks''?
- Two, maybe three, tops,

- but onIy if it gets heavy.
- Right.

- You hear me, motherfucker?
- Too American.

- Fucker! LittIe fucker.
- Better.

- Cocksucker?
- Too many Ks.

In a strange way it's too friendIy,
you know?

I do.
Be forcefuI but dignified.
Don't stoop to their IeveI.

- ForcefuI and dignified...
- Right.

Come on, it stinks of pee in here,
can you get a move on?

AII right!
You Iisten to me, you arsehoIe!

We know you done that job.
I don't know his Iast name!
OK, sorry to bother you.
- Great start.
- WeII, is that a two or a four?

Wait! Wait, wait, wait.
I just thought - you're a woman.
- Yeah.
- They won't take orders from women.

They've just puIIed off
a muIti-miIIion pound robbery.

I don't think
they're gonna take you seriousIy.

It's the 21st century.
Women can do extortion.

Are you raising our consciousness
or getting the money?

- IdeaIIy, both.
- I reaIIy think it needs a bIoke.

- Danny?
- Yeah.

- We know you done that job.
- What?

The GoIdmax Securities job.
We know it was you.

- Who is this?
- Never mind.

Just Iisten very carefuIIy.
