High Heels and Low Lifes

Yes, I bIoody can -
they're criminaIs!

But that couId've been
us Iying there, bIeeding!

We were Iucky.
That poor man wasn't, thanks to you.

What?! Thanks to me?!
What?! How is it suddenIy my fauIt?
- He's probabIy dying!
- I didn't know!

Sorry, in your worId
they don't, do they?

PeopIe get shot, then waIk away
and the credits roII.

This is reaI, Francis. PeopIe get
hurt and bIeed and reaIIy do die!

ReaIIy? I didn't know that.
Are you kidding me?

You think you're more in touch
with reaI suffering

because you empty bedpans? Come on!
If you didn't know me your Iife
wouId be even more sad and pathetic!

- What?!
- Yeah.

- I'm jeaIous of your showbiz shit?
- Yes.

- WeII, fuck you!
- Fuck you, too!

You know why you never get
any decent jobs?

Cos you can't act!
So what were you doing, Danny?
- Mr...
- Sit down.

Mr Mason, I know I screwed up.
- I was trying to sort it out.
- Oh, I see.

Someone tries to bIackmaiI us
and you sort it out

by shooting someone
compIeteIy different?

Nice IateraI thinking,
you stupid bastard!

I didn't know what to do,
I thought you' d be pissed off.
