High Heels and Low Lifes

Want me to take you down the station
and beat it out of you?

I don't know where he is
and I don't care!

I know we Iook Iike girIies
but we can hurt you, Mickey.

Ever had a stiIetto
through the boIIocks?!

- Detective, can I...? A quick word.
- Don't move!

What are you doing?
You're the good cop.

I Iike being the bad cop.
There can't be two bad cops.
No, but I know what I'm doing, OK?
- Oh, Christ.
- PiIIs, trips, speed.

- I'm aII set, thanks.
- A shag?

How about a punch in the mouth?
You've pissed me off now, Mickey.
You know what?

I'm gonna caII in the squad
to bust this pIace

and find haIf a kiIo
of smack up your arse.

And there's a new guy
who 'II enjoy pIanting it there.

- How about that?
- Sounds good to me.

- You copy that?
- W-w-w-wait, wait, wait. Look...

I might have an address.
So he's a scumbag, IowIife criminaI
from the East End.

- Is that compuIsory?
- You done a burgIary before?

- No.
- What if he comes back?

Can't be that difficuIt.
- Jump him and beat him senseIess.
- As Iong as I know.

OK, we're on.
- HeIIo?
- Yeah, it's Martin.

- Hi, there!
- Hi! How you doing?

That's my Iibrary card, two credit
cards, my cashpoint and video cIub.

I don't get it. It aIways worked
on CharIie's AngeIs.

You carry that with you
aII the time?

Papers, diaries, money,
anything to do with Mason.
