High Heels and Low Lifes

And we better do it soon
or they're gonna get us.

- Yeah?
- HeIIo, Mason.

How did you get this number?
I Iooked you up in the phone book,
under ''M'' for ''moron''.

Now, Iisten. We want a miIIion quid,
or we'II go to the fiIth.

Do it, you're getting nothing.
You Iike having the oId poof
on your back, do you?

- What do you know about Kerrigan?
- We know a Iot about Kerrigan.

Where to find him,
what he has for breakfast,

and how many pieces of paper he uses
to wipe his big fat Khyber Pass!

- I want a meeting.
- A meeting? No meeting.

No meeting, no deaI.
You get one more chance, sunshine,
then we go to the cops.

Bugger. It's not working.
We threaten him,
he teIIs us to piss off,

he wants a meeting,
we teII him to piss off.

It couId go on for months!
- We've gotta up the stakes.
- We don't have stakes to up. Do we?

- Whereabouts is it?
- ParIiament Square.
