I Am Sam

You said
you would be my lawyer?

Yes. Sam--
You're my lawyer!
That's right. I'm your lawyer.
And I can pay you per hour.
-No, no, no.
-On the hour.

Pro bono. It's free.
My lawyer for free.
Now, you--God.
Thank you.
Because I have to get this.

It's "Urgent, open immediately"
For my lawyer for free!
They want to have you
evaluated by a shrink...

And your appointment is today!
At 3:00.

It's today! It's now.
I don't actually
want to go to a shrink.

Sam, you don't actually
have a choice.

It's court-ordered.
The lady in your office

s crying.

I'm in the middle of a meeting.

Can you get him out of here?
Don't feel bad.
Sam, come with me.
Don't feel bad.
We'll get through this.
Will you excuse us?

It's their turn now, not yours.

If you leave now,
you can make this...

And you have to make it.
But I have to take
the number 13...

downtown Wilshire express
to Grand Street...

then I transfer to the number 34
at Cesar Chavez Avenue...

because that used
to be Brooklyn Avenue...

And my grandfather
had a bakery on it...

when it was Brooklyn Avenue.
I don't think I can get there
At the time I'm supposed to.

Go, for Christ sakes!
Green means "Go."

I don't like to go to shrinks.
You and me both.
Right or left?
Which is it gonna be,

Right turn ahead.
Right on Vermont?
That'll be another 20 minutes,
you idiot!

Did your mommy make you
go to a shrink, too?
