I Am Sam

and we love each other.
And if you destroy that...
it'll be irre--irrep--
Let me see. Let me see.

Yes. Yes.
Hoanne, don't do that, please.
Don't do it twice.
Not to him.

Meryl Streep can't even look
at Dustin Hoffman after that.

"'Kramer vs. Kramer."
Thank you, Mr. Wali,
for that commentary.

Your Honor, my client
is understandably upset.

Motion to recess.
I don't exactly
Like recess very much.

Motion denied.
Continue with your witness,
Mr. Turner.

Mr. Dawson...it's hard.
I know it's hard to know what
to say to Lucy half the time.

Right? Is it?
No? Was that a no?
No what?
Let me see.
I don't know exactly.
I'm sorry, Mr. Dawson.
You don't know what?

I don't...yeah.
OK. Yeah.
Yes? Yes, you don't know.
Right? You don't know...
what it takes
to raise your daughter.

These are not questions.
This is an attack.

I'm Lucy's father.
-I'm her father.
-Are you really?

I'm not talking
about the fact...

that you got
some homeless woman pregnant.

Objection, Your Honor!
Get to the question, Mr. Turner.
The question is,
if you love your daughter...

as much as you say you do--
and I know that you do--
don't you think
she deserves more?

Don't you
in your heart of hearts...

secretly question yourself
every day?
