In the Bedroom

It comes in waves...
and then nothing.
Like a rest in music.
No sound, but so loud.
I don't know what to do.
I feel so angry!

Louise McVey...
Iost a child a few years back.
Maybe you remember.

She had four.
It was the youngest, wasn't it?

She told me about
avision she had...

when she found out
her daughter had died.

She saw herself at a great
distance from the Earth...

and encircling it,
an endless line.

As she got closer...
she saw that it was made up
of mothers traveling forward.

She felt into line and
began walking with them.

When they reached a certain point
the line divided...

and she said she knew...
that all the millions of women
on her side...

were the mothers
who had lost children.

She seemed to find
great comfort in that.

How did the little girl die?
