Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius

trap doors everywhere - cos trap doors
are cool, secret passages are cool.

And in his lab he concocts all these
amazing experiments and inventions.

The latest burping-soda formula.
A guaranteed one burp per sip.
He's constantly launching rockets
off the roof, setting the drapes on fire...

He builds all this stuff and takes off,
and when they think he's asleep
in his room he's out rocketing around.

Basically, a little hellion.
His coolest invention is Goddard,
his robotic dog that he built.

And Goddard is like Jimmy's Batbelt:
He can turn into anything at any time.
Thanks, boy. Oh, good dog!
Jimmy's constantly tooling with him
and trying to come up with new things
that Goddard can do.

He can transform into a radio
and a disco ball

and a fire extinguisher at any moment.
It's pretty amazing.
Jimmy Neutron is a bit of
an outcast - he's so bright

that a lot of the other kids don't
understand where he's coming from.

Behold. The Shrink Ray!
Help me. Help me.
I'm so tiny - just like Jimmy's brain!
Some of the greatest inventors started
as complete, hopeless failures too.

Carl is Jimmy's best friend,
and if he has an experiment to try out,
Carl is his guinea pig.

I don't know, Jimmy.
You know, I get carsick.

Well, luckily, this is a rocket.
Carl Wheezer is named Carl Wheezer
for one obvious reason,

and that is, in fact,
because Carl wheezes.

He's not nearly as handsome and
young-hero-like as Jimmy Neutron is,

but it's Jimmy's show, so he's the hero.
We need to ask ourselves
"What would Ultra Lord do?"

Sheen's just quirky and a little different,
and he's really into Ultra Lord.

Sheen loves Ultra Lord
to the point of it being a problem.

In episode 224,
