Joe Dirt

There I was, scared to death as I
dropped like a stone from the sky.

Go back! Go back!
Then an amazing thing happened.
I landed by an oil rig,
and they was hiring people.

The wage was like a sign from above...
...that I was meant
to find my parents.

Hey, Joe, come on down!
Get the drill!
Yeah, baby. Come on now. Get loose.
Whoops, that's me! I got it!
It's pumping. I'll pay for this!

I'm new!
I'm new! I don't know what to do!
You done with that apple core?
I'm done with that fart. Want that?
Maybe if it came out of Charlene
Tilton's ass, I'd take a bite.

You probably like J.R., you queer.
I saw your bumper sticker:
"Cowboys' butts drive me nuts. "

Is that right? You think
that's queer? Is this queer?

They're larging and charging,
looking for chickies.

You want to back that up?
Want to fight? Why don't you stick
your head up my butt and fight for air?

That's it. You and me. Let's go.
I'd love to beat your ass
up and down this place.

I got to go back to work.
Joe Dirt. You're fired.
Here's your week's pay.

What's up here? What's down there?
What's going on, man? Here I come.
Luckily, my neck broke my fall.
