Joy Ride

Vintage 1 971 Chrysler Newport.
* Show me am I right *
* Show me how you feel *
* Gimme all you've got *
* Show me where to start *
* Give me love and breathe *
I've changed
my plans. I'm no longer flying back.

-I bought a car, so I'm driving.
- By yourself?

No. Actually, I was thinkin'
about picking up Venna.

Mom ?
Sorry. I-It's-- Sorry.
That's great, Lewis.
- What's the matter?
- Your brother just called.

He was arrested again.
Drunk and disorderly.

- Where, in San Diego?
- Salt Lake City.

Don't worry. It's not your problem.
- What did Dad say?
- You know our dad.

He didn't even want
to talk to Fuller.

Said if he hadn't grown up yet,
it was never going to happen.

-I know.

-I miss him too.
Listen, before
you start writing anything--

- License, please. Registration.
- My brother's in jail.

And I haven't seen him
in almost five years.

So, I'm like driving 200 miles
out of my way just to help him out.

That U-turn, it was based on
a whole, like, good deed scenario.

I'm also writing you up
for a broken tail Light.

I have one of those?
