Beasts from Hell!
Ohh! That is my mother!
Thibault, that is my mother!
[Snakes rattling]
[Guests screaming]
Oh, no!
No! What have I done?
It is not me.
It is witchcraft!
Andre, find me a wizard!
France must pay
for this treachery.
Find me a wizard!
[Bell chiming]
PRIEST: Have pity
on a poor condemned man.
ANDRE: We are here
for the last rites.
[Door opens]
ANDRE: My lord!
We have to hurry.
What wizard is this?
He's English, my lord.
But his magic is very good.
Your bloody Earl of Warwick
did this to me.
Indeed he did.
And he'd have me, too,
if he knew that I was here.
I beg you, my sire.
Let him save you.
Can you bring my lady
back from the dead?
I can reanimate her corpse...
but I don't think
that my lord...
would like the way
she looks... or smells.
There is another way.
Time is like a mountain.
Riddled with tunnels.
I can open one
of these tunnels for thee...
and return thee to the moment
before the murder.