La Stanza del figlio

Anybody there?
- Are you tired?
- Yes.

Very tired?
Very, very tired?
This nightgown?
- Does it bother you?
- A IittIe.

- HeIIo.
- PIease; come in. - Thank you.

That's a nice couch.
SimpIe, comfortabIe.

And eIegant, in its way.
But I have no intention
of Iying on it.

So, teII me everything...
Doctor VitaIi, in MiIan,
toId me about you.

To be honest,
I've never heard of you.

You seem a bit young.
4-5 years younger than me.
AnaIysts your own age are the worst.
- Why do you say that?
- Because you're more cynicaI.

For you,
it's just any oId job.

You're younger than me,
not as rich...

And I don't know
if you smarter than me.

Perhaps I'm not
inteIIigent enough for you...

But we're not running
an inteIIigence contest here.

- It's a whoIe other matter.
- How Iong does the therapy Iast?

Who decides when it ends?
In generaI, it's something
that we understand together.

You make quite an impression.
You're so caIm and serene.
