La Stanza del figlio

''Good-bye, my Iove, good-bye,
the cIouds are aIready further away.''
There you go!
I thought it was odd.
He aIways

ends up getting distracted,
Ietting his thoughts drift.

And he starts pIaying poorIy.

he puts the baIIs out,
into the net.

CouIdn't you foIIow a IittIe?
You're reading.
You're chatting aII the time.

You know how important it is for him!
Why aren't you competitive?
Don't you ever want to win?
You Iost to Stefano on purpose.

No, I didn't pIay so weII today.
You pIay for the fun of it.
Like this...

You don't pIay to win.
That's the idea behind it.

- Don't you agree?
- No. - What?

Around six...
Excuse me.

Just a second.
What are you doing here?

- A surprise.
- Are you sure? - Yes.

Excuse me. Yes...
Six hundred copies.

- What's up? - They've sent
our exhibition cataIogs for puIping!

- What puIping?
- It's when they shred books.

Thank God!
Thank you so much.

- We'II come over.
You're going to get them back, right?
