La Stanza del figlio

My previous anaIyst
was much Iess distant.

- I got somewhere with him.
- This discouragement isn't new.

Let's try to understand what has
happened and how to move forward.

You're not even annoyed.
You know it's aII over too.

It's not your fauIt.
It's quite simpIe:

you're the wrong anaIyst for me.
I can't do anything eIse for her.
The therapy's over.

What wiII she do?
Go to another therapist?

I've faiIed.
How much time is Ieft?

One minute.
In one minute, it'II aII be over.

- I feeI better now!
- So...

- See you on Tuesday.
- See you on Tuesday.

- Good-bye.
- Good-bye.

What are you doing today?
- How about a movie?
- Okay.

- What are you going to see?
- There's that fiIm...

My patients keep taIking about it
so I feeI Iike seeing it.

They've toId me everything.
I aIready know the characters,
the most important scenes.

And they've toId me the ending...
And I've been taIking to myseIf
for 10 minutes now!

How about
a run together this morning?

- I'm meeting friends.
- Friends...

- Come for a run, with mom too!
- Sure!

Five miIes or so,
just to work up a sweat.

- Okay? - Okay.
- Down to the harbour and back.

Then there and back,
and there and back again...

And then the whoIe avenue.
