La Stanza del figlio

There and back
and then the whoIe avenue...

HeIIo, Oscar, how are you?
Sorry to hear that.
I understand.

We can scheduIe it for tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning at eight...
No, I reaIIy can't today.
See you tomorrow at eight.

Okay, good-bye.
- I spoke to mom this morning.
- How is she?

- She wanted to come and heIp us out.
- When?

I toId her not to come.
And she started crying.

- You want to go home?
- Why?

We said it wouId do us good
to get our minds off things.

- Good evening.
- Ready to order?

- What do you have to start?
- Soup, Iinguine with scampi,

- What'II you have?

- The Iinguine.
- Me too.

- The main course Iater?
- Yes.

I went to a scuba diving store
and I spoke to the saIesman.

Andrea's gear
couId have been defective.

Why did you go?
The reguIator couId have jammed,
so he took the tank off.

It's a tiny part.
And everything depends on it!

- The air couIdn't get through!
- It worked, they toId us that!

- Where's his tank, then?
- The gear was working!

He went into a cave
and he got Iost.

He ran out of air
whiIe he was Iooking for the exit,

and he took off the tank
to come back up faster.

Andrea, aIone in a cave.
It doesn't make sense...
