Lavoura Arcaica

This is how we used to sit
around the table for meals...

or for sermons:
Father at the head...

to his right,
ordered according to age,

There was Pedro, Rosa,
Zuleika and Huda.

To his left, Mother, myself...
Ana and Lula, the youngest.
The right branch...
had grown spontaneously
from the trunk.

But the left branch was scarred,
as if Mother, where the left
branch started, were an anomaly,

a morbid offshoot,
weighed down by affection.

You have no idea of what
we've been through since you left.

You would be shocked to see
our family's strained face.

It's hard for me to
say this, brother...

but Mother can't hide
her sobbing anymore.

She didn't tell anyone
you had left.

That day, at lunch time,
