Lavoura Arcaica

Until someday...
a pestilent breath...
invades our carefully
sealed boundaries...

reaching the surroundings
of our home...

seeping slyly through the slits
of our doors and windows...

catching an unaware member
of our family...

no hand in our home...
shall clench a fist
against the stricken brother.

Let each one of us look...
more candidly than ever...
upon the desperate brother.
And the care of each one shall
be given to this needy brother,

each of us will inhale...
the noxious odor of this brother...
and our gentle hearts will
soothe his wounds...

and our lips will tenderly kiss
his tousled hair.

For love within the family
is the supreme form of patience.

It is through family union...
that we may find the
achievement of our principles.
